Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you;
your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.
We are about EVANGELISM
Spreading the good news about Jesus and his death and resurrection is a priority for us. Have you ever been trained to share the Gospel with the people around you? Are you ready be the ambassador you were made to be?
We train students to become reproducing disciples of Jesus who are skilled and possess great character. This often happens in the context of 1-on-1 training or challenge groups. Sometimes both! Ready to grow?
We are about MISSIONS
We have a rich legacy of sending students overseas to proclaim the good news to the whole creation. We have partners in the farthest corners of the world that help students fulfill the great commission. Are you next?

Helping you grow and experience a redeemed life in Jesus
The Real Purpose of Life podcast serves as space to make available wisdom and insight for students and friends of the ministry.
In short, it exists to deliver spiritual waymakers from a deep cast of individuals who really know God and walk with Him.
Tune in to the likes of Dawson Trotman, Melody Richardson, Howard Hendricks, Max Barnett and many more.
"The BCM has offered me a community of believers that uplift and support me throughout all the challenges that college has brought about. Most importantly, it has provided me with the resources and help to have a personal ministry at OU."
Karma Rodgers, Class of 2027

"The BCM was my first real experience in a Christ-centered community that actually lived out the teachings of Jesus."
Zimri Hunt, Class of 2022

"Some guys who really knew God helped me discover Him and His love as well as taught me what it means to follow Jesus as a disciple maker. Everything I learned at the BCM changed my life forever."
Wyatt Hebblethwaite, Class of 2018